I have been contemplating the people and events that have unfolded in my life lately. I have noticed that the universe undoubtedly looks after my higher good, even if things are falling apart or I feel like I am losing people. There is a silver lining that we often fail to see. For instance, if it were not for an ex who broke my heart, I would never have met one of my best friends. If it were not for another ex who also broke my heart, I never would have reconnected with another good friend at a party where I was crying over my ex, which led me to further opportunities for my career and social network. My exes are examples of how they are merely a tiny piece of the jigsaw puzzle called ‘my life.’ I needed to experience what I did to grow and get where I needed to be. At the time when adversity strikes, it does not feel like the universe/God/your higher power cares. It almost feels like you’re being targeted or punished. We are not given an instruction manual on why certain things happen and how to rectify them. I remind myself that it will all work out no matter how hard it gets, how many tears I’ve cried, and how many times I have felt like quitting. To trust in the process and know that nothing is ever truly lost. It is all about perception. What may appear as a curse at the time may be a hidden blessing you are unaware of.
Life is a Jigsaw Puzzle
I have been contemplating the people and events that have unfolded in my life lately. I have noticed that the universe undoubtedly looks after my…
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