Dear lil’ inner child,
I see you. I know that you’re feeling alone and scared right now. I want you to know I’m here for you and always will be. You don’t have to face this alone.
I know you’ve been hurt before, and trusting others is hard. It’s hard to believe someone could genuinely love and care for you when you’ve been let down. But I want you to know that you deserve love and care, and there are people out there who will love and care for you just as you are.
It’s okay to feel vulnerable and open up to others. It’s okay to share your fears and insecurities. You don’t have to carry the world’s weight on your shoulders. Letting others in can be scary, but it can also be gratifying. You might be surprised at the love and support that you receive.
I know it’s hard to find your place in the world, and it can be overwhelming to figure out who you are and what you want. But it’s okay to take your time. It’s okay to explore different things and try new experiences. You don’t have to have everything figured out right now.
It’s essential to take care of yourself. Listen to your needs and take the time to do things that bring you joy and comfort. It’s okay to rest when you need to relax and to say no when you need to say no. You are allowed to prioritize your well-being.
Remember that your past or your circumstances do not define you. You have the power to create a bright and beautiful future for yourself. Take small daily steps towards your goals and celebrate your successes.
Most importantly, remember that you are loved. I love you, and the universe loves you. You are a valuable and essential part of this world and have much to offer.
With love and compassion,
Your Higher Self.
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